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respirator, slovakia

Antiviral respirator with KN95 (N95) filter class captures more than 95% of bacteria viruses (corresponding to FFP2 protection class), dust, pollen and smog particles.

Respirator KN95 (FFP2), respiratory mask
The respiratory mask is useful as a protection against Covid-19, also known as coronavirus. Respirators and protective devices with a filter type of at least FFP2 or FFP3 are intended for respiratory protection in such cases. The KN95 (N95) protective filter mask captures aerosols, dust and smog particles, or pollen. Blocks up to 95%. Protection of KN95 is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a minimum standard of protection. The total leakage rate may not exceed 11%, the maximum exposure at work may not exceed 10 times.


Material: Cotton + non-woven fabric
Protection class: KN95, N95 (FFP2)
Filtration degree: ≥ 95%
CE certification
Size: Universal
Color: White
Price: € 5.95
(sale only to authorized persons)

The American Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists the N95 respirator standard (KN95) as part of the recommended protective equipment in its FAQ COVID-19 and the SARS Guidelines (SARS is a similar type of Corona virus).


Vážený klienti, vzhľadom na nadobudnutie účinnosti zákona č. 69/ 2020 Z.z. o mimoriadnych opatreniach v súvislosti so šírením nebezpečnej nákazlivej ľudskej choroby COVID-19 v oblasti zdravotníctva, je nevyhnutné riadiť sa pri predaji obmedzeniami predaja osobných ochranných prostriedkov širokej verejnosti.

Predaj je preto možné realizovať, len v prípade, že  predajca má technické možnosti na reguláciu predaja (napríklad databáza zákazníkov) konečným zákazníkom. V zmysle zákona je možná distribúcia nasledovným profesiám:



Práce, pri ktorých sa používajú osobné ochranné pracovné prostriedky, pretože sa pri ich vykonávaní vyskytujú nebezpečenstvá, ktoré môžu poškodiť zdravie, sú:

1. práca s nebezpečnými látkami,

2. práca v nádržiach, v obmedzených priestoroch, v priemyselných zariadeniach a priestoroch s nedýchateľným ovzduším, napríklad so škodlivinami alebo s nedostatkom kyslíka,

3. práca v blízkosti sadzobne vysokej pece,

4. práca v blízkosti plynových konvertorov a plynového potrubia vysokej pece,

5. práca v blízkosti miesta odpichu vysokej pece s výskytom dymov obsahujúcich ťažké kovy,

6. vymurúvanie pecí a lejacích panví s výskytom vysokej prašnosti,

7. práce v zariadeniach s vysokou prašnosťou,

8. likvidácia následkov havárií, pri zdolávaní požiarov,

9. práca v šachtách, stokách a ďalších podzemných priestoroch súvisiacich s kanalizáciou,

10. práca v mraziarňach s nebezpečenstvom úniku chladiaceho média,

11. nanášanie náterových látok,

12. ťažba, úprava a zušľachťovanie nerastov s vysokou prašnosťou,

13. strojové brúsenie dreva,

14. zdravotné vyšetrenie a ošetrenie,

15. práca v archívoch. 

Ochrana pred vírusom

Are ordinary medical masks or respirators suitable for viruses?

It is important to note that even masks or respirators (respiratory masks) cannot guarantee 100% virus protection. Drapes without filtration are intended for partial protection, as they keep the coughed or sneezed infectious micro-droplets away from passing on, which means they protect the environment from the sick person.

The respirator or respiratory mask, when worn, filters the air you inhale and catches harmful substances from entering your respiratory system. The use of a respirator is ancillary protection as well as protective goggles or protective clothing. The respirator is a disposable protective device and is normally intended for 8 hours use. Drapes, respirators and how to sterilize them:

- heat disinfection is possible, for example in a microwave, but only for respirators without metal parts; moisten the  respirator before turning it into the microwave and turn on the microwave at maximum power for 3-5 minutes. Care should be taken not to ignite the respirator.
- UV disinfection by means of UV lamp is also possible. Mountain Sun. It is required to illuminate both sides for at least three minutes
- Alcohol disinfection is possible. Use a sprayer to spray min. 70% alcohol on both sides and allow to dry.

Which respirator to choose for protection against bacteria and viruses?
One of the most widespread are respirators marked KN95 and N95. According to the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (NIOSH), this label designates the wearer protection against 95% airborne particles with a diameter of 0.6 μm or greater. According to WHO, such protection is recommended as a minimum standard. The designation FFP2 is equivalent to N95 protection and FFP3 is the highest protection for respirators that have up to 99% particulate filtration.


Properly fit the mask

Thorough hand hygiene with soap and warm water is required before first use. After washing your hands, place the top of the respirator against your face and then press the bottom of the respirator to the face. When the respirator adheres perfectly to your face, adjust the elastic straps to keep it in a secure position. A properly worn protective mask must be close to the face and cover the mouth, nose and chin. Men should be shaved as the chin can cause leaks. When removing the mask, touch only the straps, not the part that has filtered the air.

NONSTOP: +421 903562 000

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The information given is taken from the manufacturer. The manufacturer may change product parameters without prior notice, so we are not responsible for any changes or changes in the description. The pictures are illustrative.

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